Sunday, June 10, 2007

Privacy Matters

I bet it's hard for you, dear reader to believe, but I have a couple of stories that I've started and haven't finished.
This time it's not because of writer's block or problems in my personal life, it's a lack of privacy.
CJ and I live in a nice two bedroom condo. Our daughter recently graduated college and got an internship in New York City that starts next month. She's staying with us until she's set up in her own place. I'm surprised at the effect this has had on my blog reading and writing. I'm just not comfortable writing with her so close by. It may be silly, but I can't seem to get into that smooth writing frame of mind.
It won't be long, maybe another week or so, and I'll be in my own special erotic space.
Even I look forward to seeing what the explosion will be like!
Keep enjoying each other until I can join in.


The Teacher said...

Congratulations to you and your daughter. And here is to her success!

Anonymous said...

I agree -I have a seventeen year oldson, I don't like writing with him about. Its not shame -I am proud of my stuff .....its er .... inhibition.. (blushes with embarrassment)

Dee's Husband Joe said...

Hmmmmmmm. That "own special erotic space..." Will it be in part a make pictures to share with my blogging fans kind of space? I have to hope so!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read more stuff! Hurry back!