Thursday, October 20, 2005

Do You Want Fries With That?

LOL....I couldn't resist.


Desireous said...

LOL that is too funny! What color do you suppose he might paint it?

Naughty K said...

So does the old clown have a "Big Mac" ? Sorry, but I just had to ask....

Tits -n- Toast

Anonymous said...

LOL! First time I've ever seen a McBlow-Job!


Anonymous said...

Super Size Me!

Anonymous said...

You guys are great!
McBlow Job
Big Mac
Super Size Me
I created a monster...a one eyed monster

Anonymous said...

He paints it white with a big cherry red, I didn't blow the clown! He was in the restroom the same time I was, next urinal over, I did a quick glance down. You know..its just good maners to keep one emty urinal between you and the next guy, but the clown just barged right in!