Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Wheels Turn

The doctor gave me a clean bill of health yesterday afternoon and sent me on my way.
So, here I am back at work...feels good.

But again, I am let alone in the office for extended periods of time. It makes my dirty little wheels turn. Perhaps not as much as usual right now, only because I have my period and with no sex or exercise over the past couple weeks, I have awful cramps.

I am getting closer and closer to that camera, perhaps this weekend(?)
What do you think CJ?
Are you ready?
Are you willing?
Are you able?


Anonymous said...

Im in! ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks spikey...I'll keep you in
mind, but I think we need to leave this one up to CJ, it's his job.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Storm...
How did you know I was an exhibitionist? LOL